Nevio Tonsi ntonsi at globalnet.it
Tue Jan 21 14:01:15 EST 1997

Excuse the urgency of this post, but, as you will understand, this is
rather important for me.  Sorry, but I did not know where to look and
to ask.  So... I was treated radio-surgically (?) for a "cerebral
angioma" (hope this is correct), of the right side, which is giving me
a lot or problems with movement.  

I am looking for people who, like myself, have had or are about to
have this procedure, for exchange of information, not on a
medical-scientific level, but rather on a basic level.

Thank you for your attention, and I hope you will respond, perhaps by
Nevio Tonsi  Pisogne (BS) Sysop of the lion king bbs
Phone +39-35-988063   Email:ntonsi at globalnet.it
 "a una donna occorrono vent'anni per formare un uomo
a un'altra bastano venti minuti per rincretinirlo"

Nevio Tonsi  Pisogne (BS) Sysop of the lion king bbs
Phone +39-35-988063   Email:ntonsi at globalnet.it
 "a una donna occorrono vent'anni per formare un uomo
a un'altra bastano venti minuti per rincretinirlo"

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