Yes. We are presently working on migraine and cluster headache basic
mechanisms. We explore new ways of research based on the hypothesis that
these pathologies could result from a neuro-immune vicious circle
originating in a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (the special
feature of meningeal blood vessels is to be supplied not only by
sympathetic and sensory nerves, as peripheral blood vessels, but also by
parasympathetic nerve fibers which synthesize noxious and pro-inflammatory
molecules). A degenerative disorder affecting one of these three
innervations would favour the development of the two others, due to their
common dependance on the same growth factors. In this way, a moderate
initial imbalance could spread dramatically. Furthermore, nerve growth
factor is by itself a pro-inflammatory molecule.
The existence of spreading depression in the human brain is far from being
ascertained (as in the brain of other gyrencephalic mammals). The link
between the "aura phase" (scotoma etc..) and the pain episode of migraine
is not clear : some patients can experience successively either aura+pain,
aura without pain or pain without aura. The same remark can be made about
the changes in blood flow which may or not come with attacks.
pierre.aubineau at
PVanvalken <pvanvalken at> a écrit dans l'article
<19970119174101.MAA04575 at>...
> Are there any neuroscience researchers in this newsgroup interested in
> discussing new approaches to these problems: migraine spreading
> waves and scotoma and intracranial meninges, tinnitus as an abnormal
> perception of natural neurological processes in the inner ear, or
> as a disorder of micro-saccades?
>> Paul