New Australian Mirror Site for Neurosciences on the Internet

Neil A. Busis nab at telerama.lm.com
Mon Jan 20 07:24:11 EST 1997

The Mental Health Research Institute in Victoria, Australia has now 
provided a new mirror site for Neurosciences on the Internet:

The other mirror sites in the US, UK and Germany are still operational.

US: <http://www.lm.com/~nab> 
UK: <http://www.genetics.gla.ac.uk/neil/index.html> 
Germany: <http://ilsebill.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/neuromirror/index.html>

Neil A. Busis, M.D.          Neurosciences on the Internet
nab at telerama.lm.com          <http://www.lm.com/~nab/>

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