Effects of Music

Diane Pritchatt diane at bnclib.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 04:58:28 EST 1997

Have you seen the book:-

Critchley, MacDonald & Henson, RA (EDS.). Music and the brain.
Southampton: Camelot Press, 1977.  ISBN: 0433 06703 9.

It is quite old now, but gives a good start on the subject.  You should
also try a Medline search on the topic.

Ask you local library to order a copy for you.  You might have to pay a
bit for the loan.


In article <engelking-1501971613570001 at cust19.max2.san-
francisco.ca.ms.uu.net>, engelking at earthlink.net writes
>Have researchers identified how music and the brain work? Why is it that
>music just makes us immediately feel some kind of emotional response, and
>isn't like a book or movie in which we have to see and understand
>something to make us feel something?
>Also, do scientists understand how basic units of information are stored
>in the brain yet? I guess this cognitive science (?).
>engelking at earthlink.net

Diane Pritchatt

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