Lateral hypothalamic syndrome

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 18 22:21:45 EST 1997

Maybe if you're old enough to recognize this term you're too old to be
surfing the internet, but...

LHS was a hot item 30-35 years ago (e.g. in J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol.)
but doubt a Medline search  (especially if limited to Ovid disk) would
turn up much--wrong time, wrong journals.

I'd welcome the most recent reference and/or the most through OLD
reference, OR your personal experience as a brain surgeon on rats!

I'm especially interested in the exact details of the anorexia and/or
finickiness of the rats.  It was said that they COULD be coaxed to eat
with a "palatable" diet (and then through graded steps to
self-sustained eating with a "normal"  diet).

What EXACTLY is "palatable"?  Chocolate has been mentioned, and I
coaxed one rat along with chocolate covered halvah, but do you know of
systematic studies on the defining characteristics?  (sweetness?
moistness? other??)

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

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