Need e-mail addresses !

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jan 18 20:58:32 EST 1997

Does anyone know of good search-engines or whatever to locate e-mail
addresses of scientists?

As a member of the Society for Neuroscience, The New York Academy of
Sciences, and the International Neuropsychological Society, I can
locate SOME, in their membership directories; but they are incomplete
even for their own members, quickly out of date,, etc.

Many neuroscientistsoutside of the US  do NOT belong to SFN.  Also, I
often try to contact authors in non-neuroscience fields (e.g.
rheumatology, immunology, etc., following up neuroimmunology leads).

The e-mail address finder PC magazine wrote so glowingly about (Four11?
 maybe the 7-11 of search engines?) has proved very little help.

Better search engines?

Other data bases besides directories I have?

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

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