engelking at earthlink.net enunciated:
>Have researchers identified how music and the brain work? Why is it that
>music just makes us immediately feel some kind of emotional response, and
>isn't like a book or movie in which we have to see and understand
>something to make us feel something?
The point about brain that escapes most is the differential in
processing speeds from input to memory in three levels. Music is the
most interesting way to evaluate those differences. If you examine the
tribal beat of ancient people you will notice a similar universal.
Beats around 120 beats per minute are universal. The reason for this
is that the subconscious speed of processing is around 60 cycles per
second for the current evolutionary condition. This translates to a
steady 2 musical beats per second.
The reason emotional response is indicative of musical material is
pattern effect. Regularity of beat near the 120 BMP level will elicit
comfort as it nearly matches the internal clock's subconscious speed.
Speeds less than that ( in proportion to the amount of 'less') will
induce less than comfort. Since the brain seeks regularity, less than
regular will slightly depress, while more than regular will excite.
Movies and books are loosely connected conceptual material that induce
no pattern and require a deeper search to establish relativity to our
own reinforced memory . Memory content is unique to the individual
while processing speeds in ratio to input is mostly universal in
mentally healthy individuals.
>Also, do scientists understand how basic units of information are stored
>in the brain yet? I guess this cognitive science (?).
The preponderance of binary mentality has kept most intelligent
researchers from observing variables. The interest is so strong in the
'normal', which has become digital, that anything remotely different
from digital is considered to be the antithesis of computationality.
As far as how the brain stores information: Consider this: Read
Correlational Oppositional Processing by Professor Ron Blue, (1996)
available at http://www.aston.ac.uk/~batong/Neutronics/papers.htm.
The brain is a wavelet process within static, passive components
(neurons) that is transmitted via synapse connections that insure a
single direction of signal passage. Wavelets are computed in an
equation detailed in 'Wave-Computation, A Quantum-Relativity
Perspective, (Hempfling, 1996) available at
http://www.aston.ac.uk/~batong/Neutronics/wave.htm .
I can assure you that any other theory of brain function is simply not
correct. This combination theory resulting in CORE TECHNOLOGY
(Correlational Opposite Ratio Enhanced) Processing is the only
examination of brain function that is not based in the observance of
the outcomes of brain.
For a little more detail you may access the home page of LA Weekly
this week where the feature article is about the above technology.