lover's arm?

Robert A. Fink, M. D. rafink at ibm.net
Sat Jan 18 16:37:15 EST 1997

rubinsnk at is2.nyu.edu (Kalman Rubinson) wrote:

>Bart Coninckx (bart.conincks at ping.be) wrote:
>> Anybody heard of the desease "lover's arm"?

>Ulnar nerve compression?

I once saw a patient, a young man, who had spent a passionate weekend
with his female partner.  During this time, he had stimulated her
repeatedly with the palm of his hand against her genitals with the
wrist in a hyper-extended position.  The following morning, he had
what was an acute carpal tunnel syndrome.  I treat this conservatively
(pain medicine and anti-inflammatories) and the symptoms resolved
within several days.

I guess that this would be "lover's wrist".



Robert A. Fink, M. D., FACS  Professional Corporation
Diplomate, American Board of Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street   Suite 222
Berkeley, California  94704-2636  USA
Phone:  510-849-2555
FAX:  510-849-2557

"Ex Tristitia Virtus"

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