Sensors and Pattern Recognition

Juan Manuel Criado txvma2 at eucmax.sim.ucm.es
Tue Jan 14 06:53:41 EST 1997

We work, with aplication of de neural network, in sensors. Our work, is
to make use the pattern recognition in the outputs of the oxides
Sensors. The aplications is in:

                -Contaminants Gas
                -Aromatic Recognition
                (About oxides sensors and organics sensors)
        We need to contact with people or groups that work in our range
of things, or similar.
| Juan Manuel Criado García                            |
| Dept. Electricidad y Electrónica                     |
| Univ.Complutense de Madrid                           |
| Tf. 34-1-3944670                                     |
| mailto:txvma2 at eucmax.sim.ucm.es                      |
| http://www.ucm.es/info/electron/sensor/Laborato.htm  |

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