Horner's Syndrome

Diane Pritchatt diane at bnclib.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 16 08:54:21 EST 1997

In article <5bf6mp$ds0 at news.nd.edu>, cathy brewer <cbrewer at chevalley.hel
ios.nd.edu> writes
>I have Arnold-Chiari Type I with Syringomyelia. 
>Had the Occipital Cervical Decompression surgery.
>neuro said i have this syndrome.
>Assist pls. Thank you.

You could look on Medline, for articles by MR BERNARD WILLIAMS.  Bernard's
speciality was syringomyelia, and he wrote quite a lot of very good articles on
the subject, until he died last August.

Many of the articles will be in THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, and Bernard
used to give good bibliographical references to other articles, so it would help
you research further if you look into it this way.

Good luck in your search.-- 
Diane Pritchatt

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