help me!

Pierre AUBINEAU pierre.aubineau at hippocrate.u-bordeaux2.fr
Wed Jan 15 07:19:12 EST 1997

Gianluk from G.m.S. <gianluk at thepentagon.com> a écrit dans l'article
<32dc1ac7.1935788 at news.interbusiness.it>...
> I am an italian boy of 22 years.
> From 2 years I suffer of headache. Also taking medicinal I am not able
> to resolve 
> my problems.
>Depending on your case, a multiplicity of treatments now exist against
cluster headache (if it is true C.H.). I'm working with a specialized
department in Bordeaux (France) and I do fundamental research on this
pathology. The adequation of potential treatments (either preventive or
symptomatic or both) necessitates a precise diagnostic which cannot be
established at distance. Usually, attacks can be prevented by taking
regularly various classes of treatments (which have to be adapted to your
particular case). If not, you can try "attack treatments" which, in the
majority of cases, are efficient in aborting the attack. The most well
known, presently, is Sumatriptan from Glaxo laboratories (speciality name:
Imigrane, in France).
But I insist on the fact that you have to be examined in a specialized
neurology departement in order to determine what is convenient for your

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