Dear Elaine: Just sending this so it will appear in the Neurology
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Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 10:28:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Betty Martini <betty at>
To: Robert Cohen <robertcohen at>
Cc: Robert Cohen <i4crob at>
Subject: MCS-CI Delaney Amendment Suspended. Now legal to poison foods with additives that are known to cause cancer.
Resent-From: betty at
H.R. 3200 passed. Congress actually sided with the poison manufacturers
to allow them to legally poison the food supply. When the late FDA
toxicologist Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress that aspartame violated the
Delaney Amendment because it caused cancer in lab animals, especially
brain tumors, Congress sided with Monsanto. Dr. Gross' last words were:
"And if the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the
public?"he should have added and expect no help from Congress. Monsanto
funds them too. Congress should not be allowed to accept money from
industry where regulations are concerned.
We really have no protector. Thank you Mission Possible activists all
over the world, for without you warning the public thousands and thousands
more would have perished.
Since this note is going to lists and the nutrition newsgroup let me
remind EVERYONE again of the meeting in Washington on Dec 30 and Dec 31
for all those who are sick of having our food supply being poisoned, who
want the deadly poison NutraSweet (once listed with the pentagon in an
inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to
Congress)banned, want the bovine growth hormone banned (with an increased
insulin growth factor, the regulator of cancer), want to stop genetic
engineering, the victims, the press, the doctors and the scientists.
This meeting to consider how to stop the insanity will create the
Committee of 2001. Remember there is nothing so powerful as CONSUMER
POWER IN ACTION. As word has gotten around the word that NutraSweet is a
poison we're beginning to see products that say: NO NUTRASWEET IN THIS
PRODUCT. The NutraSweet Companies days are numbered and we've asked for
recall based on a pivotal study that showed high serum phenylalanine
levels in privates who suffered grand mal seizures. The FDA report of 92
documented symptoms from blindness and coma to convulsions and death list
4 different types of seizures.
Remember recently NutraSweet made world news when Dr. Olney discussed the
increase in brain tumors. The rats developed astrocytomas, a rare brain
tumor, the first stage of the deadly, malignant glioblastoma. And now Dr.
Olney says glioblastomas are rampant in the population. Well what did
anyone expect. The secret trade information (DISCUSSED IN CONGRESS - we
have it on video) said that the phenylalanine in aspartame breaks down to
DKP, a brain tumor agent. And the original manufacturer said if they told
the FDA it would not get approved. Yet Congress did nothing. It could
have been banned right then. Think of all the youngsters who have died of
brain tumors who would be alive today, and the rest population who have
died from aspartame triggered brain tumors.
With world consumer support the Committee of 2001 will make it a goal to
put an end to allowing death and disability to be considered an acceptable
cost of business. Be there and tell your friends. Copy this please, put
it on web pages and journalists please advertise the date. For those who
want to put your name on the list please email Robert Cohen above or call
him at 201-599-0325. Bob Cohen is the man who filed suit against the FDA
for failure to release the rest of the data on the bovine growth hormone
under Freedom of Information. The incestuous relationship of Monsanto and
the FDA is legend. Even though IT IS THE LAW the judge sided with
Monsanto! Monsanto has put itself above the law. They bought Searle who
first manufactured NutraSweet in l985 and Searle themselves were listed in
the book ABOVE THE LAW.
Mission Possible
To get more information on aspartame, email betty at as follows:
Subject: sendme help The subject line must be typed exactly like the above
line. Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test Mission
Possible and send us your case history. PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor
and your friends. Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the
store. USA (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)
We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death
and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 08:42:28 -0500 (EST)
From: Purefood at
To: betty at
Subject: Re: Fwd: Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Maker Does Not Use Aspartame (fwd)
Dear Betty,
Yes, the Delaney Clause has been suspended. Yes, Stoneyfield is certified as
rBGH-free. Thanks for your continuing hard work. Did 60 Minutes ever run the
show on Aspertame? On Earth Day April 22 we're doing protests worldwide
against Monsanto and genetically engineered foods. I'll send you more details
as planning progresses. In Solidarity, Ronnie Cummins