Upcoming Career Meeting in SFO

Linda St. James lindasj at sedona.net
Wed Jan 15 15:55:55 EST 1997

Presentation Title: Designing a Blueprint For Your Future in Science

Speaker:Dave Jensen, Managing Director
Search Masters International, Sedona, Arizona

Location: American Women In Science Meeting, CHIRON CORPORATION, 4560
Horton Ave, Emeryville, CA 

Food and drink, all Scientists and Students Welcome

When: Thursday, January 23rd, 1997, at 6:30 PM


Have you ever noticed that the people you know who have done the best with
their career choices always seemed to have had some kind of plan?

Just like anything else, those who plan ahead tend to get there ahead of
the rest of us. A Career Vision Statement will provide guidance to your
career that you may need to fall back on from time to time. Certainly, a
one-page-or-less document cannot serve as a road map through every twist
and turn of your career, but it can point out a desired destination and
help you remember the reasons why you set that course in the first place.
In this short hands-on workshop, the speaker will introduce you to career
planning tools that will help put your next five years in sharp focus. The
meeting is geared to the science career.

Writing a vision statement is a cross between writing down your long-term
goals, and writing a ³mission statement.² Big corporations have written
mission statements for years; sometimes they print the company¹s mission in
short form on the back of business cards. This is the ultimate in concise
writing. Although you won¹t be trying to fit your vision statement on the
back of a business card, brevity will still be important. Your speaker will
provide you with examples of how others have successfully written the
Career Vision Statement and the advantages that have resulted. Creative
thinking tools such as Mindmapping will be discussed and used in the
development of ideas that you can use later to complete the process of
writing your vision statement. 

Presented through the cooperation of AWIS East Bay Chapter, Chiron
Corporation, and Search Masters International of Sedona, Arizona.

More info: email to lindasj at sedona.net

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