James Woodson wrote:
>> FYI, several real journals are now considering web submissions as
> previously published, and then won't touch the stuff. Just a thought.
My guess is that this is a minority -- and temporary -- perspective.
Remember that the internet views censorship as damage, and routes around
Please see: http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/~dvb/harnad96.htm
or http://www.teleport.com/~dvb/harnad96.htm
for some thoughtful comments by Steven Harnad (founding editor of
Behavioral and Brain Sciences) about several aspects of this issue.
- Email: dvb at teleport.com David Baldwin, PhD (541) 686 2598 -
- Regular mail: PO Box 11143 Eugene, Oregon USA 97440-3343 -
- WWW:Trauma Info Pages http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/~dvb/trauma.htm -
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.teleport.com/~dvb/trauma.htm -