Dr. Hulse on TV Saturday, Mad Cow Disease,Milkgate-PRIONS

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Tue Jan 14 13:03:52 EST 1997

Dear Dr. Hulse:  Wonderful!!!  I'll find out what time.  Everybody who has
read your book says they can't put it down and I personally think everyone
on planet earth should read it.

No, she has never done a program on NutraSweet but I would love to do it
for her.  Tell her to call me and I'll send her a press packet (770
242-2599).  Meanwhile I'll put this information on some of the lists so
others interested won't miss it!

Hope you're doing great!

Love and regards,

P.S.  Should anyone wanting your book simply email you or is there a
number they should call or write?I'm putting this in the Neurology
newsgroup and asking everyone on all the lists to spread the word!  

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Virgil M. Hulse wrote:

 Dear Betty:
 Thank you, I will be on the laura lee show This coming Saturday night with a
 infectious Disease Specialist and a Neurosurgeon. Discussing my Book Mad
 Cows and Milk GAte.  Saturday night 9pm to 11pm pacific time. You can get
all the stations it will be on by going to her home page
 www at lauralee.com.  It will be on WHAS 840AM Louisville, KY.  I know it will
 probably be in the wee hours of the morning back east.  WGY 810AM Albany,
 NY. Has she ever did a program on Nutra Sweet?
 Thank you for all your help.
 Dr Hulse
 At 11:57 AM 1/13/97 -0500, you wrote:

Dr. Hulse: Bob called this morning wanting your phone number and will be
in touch.

Love to both,

To get more information on aspartame, email betty at pd.org as follows:
Subject: sendme help   
The subject line must be typed exactly like the above line.
Betty Martini             1.  Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test
Mission Possible                 and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098              2.  Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA  30358         3.  Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store. 
USA                           (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

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and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.


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