Dr. Hulse, Mad Cow Disease, Milkgate, Prions Times

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Tue Jan 14 15:43:18 EST 1997

Dear Dave:

Thank you so much for checking the web for me.  But I wonder is it shown
down here in Georgia?  

You did me a great service because I know no one wants to miss this, so
I'll put this back on the lists so those in the states it is in can see
the show.  I got something that said I was "subscribed".  Didn't know they
had a list.  

So for those who have interest in dairy products, cancer, the bovine
growth hormone, mad cow disease - you just won't want to miss this.

Thanks again, Dave

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 14:52:09 +0500
From: Dave Rietz <dorietz at awod.com>
To: Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org>
Subject: Re: Here is Dr. Hulse's email address (fwd)

>> >www at lauralee.com. 

  Aha!  The above is NOT a WWW WEB site... more like an Email address.
Here is the TRUE address: http://www.lauralee.com/

The Laura Lee Show is live five hours on Saturday night, in it's eighth year.
Station list is by time zone then alphabetically by state/city. 
        Coverage in parenthesis.

        Hawaii Time: 7 pm -12 am

        KHVH 830 AM Honolulu
        Pacific: 9 pm to 2 am

       KVNA 600 AM Flagstaff
       KNST 790 AM Tucson
       KGEO 1230 AM Bakersfield
       KFRE 940 AM Fresno
       KFIV 1360 AM Modesto
       KNWZ 1270 AM Palm Desert, CA
       KQMS 1400 AM Redding
       KST 650 AM Sacramento
       KOGO 600 AM San Diego
       KPIX 1550 AM San Francisco 
       KPIX 95.7 FM San Francisco 
       KGLW 1340 AM San Luis Obispo 
       KJAX 1280 AM Stockton
       KVEN 1250 AM Ventura

       KUGN 590 AM Eugene
       KCMX 580 AM Medford
       KXL 750 AM Portland - 50,000 watts (8 states at night)
       KTBR 950 AM Roseburg

       KOH 780 AM Reno - (50,000 watts, Canada, West Coast, Mexico)
       KVBC 105.1 FM Las Vegas - (50,000 watts 11 states at night)

       KLKI 1340 AM Anacortes
       KXLE 1240 AM Ellensburg
       KTCR 1340 AM Kennewick
       KQQQ 1150 AM Pullman
       KVI 570 AM Seattle - (Western Washington)
       KGA 1510 AM Spokane - 50,000 watts, ( 8 states)
       KUTI 980 AM Yakima

       Mountain: 10 pm to 3 am 

       KVOR 1300 AM Colorado Springs
       KNZZ 1100 AM Grand Junction

       KIDO 630 AM Boise (joins us live at 11 and plays first hour at 3)

       KBLG 910 AM Billings
       KMMS 1450 AM Bozeman 
       KGVO 1290 AM Missoula
       New Mexico
       KOB 770 AM Albuquerque

       Central: 11 pm to 4 am 

       WTNW 1230 AM Tuscaloosa

       KARN 920 AM Little Rock
       WROK 1440 AM Rockford

       KSTP 1500 AM Minneapolis/St Paul - (50,000 watts)

       KFRU 1400 AM Columbia
       KLPW 1220 AM St. Louis
       WIBV 1260 AM St. Louis (Belleville, IL)

       KKAR 1290 AM Omaha

       WGNS 1450 AM Murfreesboro

       KNTS 1470 AM Abilene

       WTDY 1480 AM Madison
       WBKV 1470 AM West Bend

       Eastern: 12 am to 5 am 

       WFTL 1400 AM Ft. Lauderdale/Miami
       WINK 1240 AM Ft. Myer
       WJNO 1230 AM West Palm Beach

       WVLK 590 AM Lexington
       WHAS 840 AM Louisville - (50,000-watt, clear-channel)

       WETT 1590 AM Ocean City
       WFNT 1470 AM Flint
       WGTO 910 AM South Bend

       New York
       WGY 810 AM Albany - 50,000 watts, (38 states at night)

       WCER 900 AM Canton OH
       WKBN 570 AM Youngstown

       WVMT 620 AM Burlington (reaches Montreal, too) 

  On the air call-in number: 1 800-800-LAURA (5287) or (206) 453-LAURA (5287) 

    I was going to give you a short list, but then I though....M.P. is
supposed to be international... and maybe Betty would like to get a feel
for the demographics of this program... so this is the COMPLETE list!

    Also, if you have an audio card, and install a (free?) program called
StreamWorks... you can listen to the whole recorded dialog some of her past


         David O. Rietz (ETCS USN Retired '76) 
           ***** http://www.dorway.com *****
     aspartame=death! (AKA: Equal, Nutrasweet, ???)
   DO check out information on the poison aspartame!

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