Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Tue Jan 14 17:51:52 EST 1997

At 09:47 14/01/97 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear All
>I have heard a lot about these steroids that they feed to cattle these
>days, to make them bigger and beefier, quicker.
>Do you think there might be a link between these steroids (that are
>successfully making the cattle big quickly), and the increase in human
>obesity that seems to have taken place over the last 30 years - about
>the time that the steroids have been in use.
>I wonder if anyone out there knows of any research on this subject?
>Best wishes,
>Diane Pritchatt

RESPONSE: If the steroids make bigger beefier cattle over a shorter time
period, wouldn't they make bigger, beefier (as opposed to obese) humans?

The other point to consider is are these steroids heat stable ?
Most beef these days is cooked to at least 80 degrees celsius (I don't know
what this is in fahrenheit) at the core of the meat (and over 200 degrees
celsius on the outer surface).  Can these molecules retain their biological
activity after this treatment?  Does anyone know?

its an interesting correlation that you have mentioned Diane, its bound to
draw a lot of comment.  OTOH, there has been a lot more processed food
available in the last 30 years.  i look forward to the development of the
Richard Kerr.
The Murdoch Institute,
R.C.H. Flemington Rd, Parkville, 3052,
kerrr at cryptic.rch.unimelb.edu.au
Phone (61) 3 9345 5045.

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