I am looking for a post-doctoral position in a research group of
endocrinology, preferably in its aspects related to biochemistry,
molecular or cell biology.
I am currently working under the advise of Dr. F. Gracia-Navarro (Dept.
Cell Biology, Univ. Cordoba, Spain) on the cellular and molecular
mechanisms controlling pituitary function. Specifically, my PhD project
is focused on the study of the intracellular transduction pathways
involved in the response of porcine somatotrope cells to PACAP
(Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide).
I have a solid background in a number of techniques, including primary
cell culture, microfluorimetry, in situ hibridization, enzyme
immunoassay methods, as well as in immunocytochemical techniques both at
the light and electron microscopy levels (cell blotting,
immunofluorescence, ABC method, immunocolloidal gold) and image
I have learned and employed various procedures on microfluormetry and
laser confocal microscopy applied to frog melanotrope cells during a 6
month stay at Dr.Hubert Vaudrys laboratory (Laboratory of Cellular and
Molecular Neuroendocrinology, Univ. of Rouen, France).
I plan to finish my PhD project early this summer, and therefore I
could start my post-doc during late summer this 1997.
Yours sincerely,
Antonio J. Martínez-Fuentes
My curriculum vitae, a detailed application, and reference letters are
available upon request at my e-mail addres (bc2mafua at lucano.uco.es).