I'd like to announce the creation of the first mailing list about AHC
AHC = Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood
This list is for all families concerned by AHC and also Doctors
If you are interested by this List, just subscribe at
majordomo at avenza.com
Mailto:majordomo at avenza.com
in the body just type:
subscribe AHC-L <your E.mail>
After, to send mail to all members of this list just use
mailto:AHC-L at avenza.com
If you want more informations, send me a mail at
mailto:pjourda at worldnet.fr
I'am the supervisor of this list.
Take a look at http://www.mygale.org/11/apeha/
| Philippe JOURDAIN |
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| 1st E.Mail: mailto:pjourda at worldnet.fr |
| 2nd E.Mail: mailto:jourim at psisun.u-psud.fr |
| |
| Web Site : HTTP://www.worldnet.fr/~pjourda |
| Web Site : HTTP://www.mygale.org/11/apeha/ |
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| C.N.A.M. Computer engineering & NetWork Admin |
| D.U.T. Computer science |