Increase the surface tension of water

Superdave the Wonderchemist thweatt at prairie.nodak.edu
Sun Jan 12 17:02:12 EST 1997

Followup-To: alt.alumni.bronx-science,alt.earth.system.science,alt.folklore.science,alt.info-science,alt.mad.science,alt.paranet.science,alt.tv.weird-science,aus.science,aus.science.dark-age,be.science,beirdo.fido.swo.science,bionet.neuroscience,bionet.ne
References: <5arda4$82t at daily-planet.nodak.edu> <MwiuiDA7bX1yEwLK at chums.demon.co.uk>
Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network (NDHECN)
Distribution: world

Richard Phillips (Rich at chums.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: In article <5arda4$82t at daily-planet.nodak.edu>, Superdave the
: Wonderchemist <thweatt at prairie.nodak.edu> writes
: >Followup-To: alt.alumni.bronx-science,alt.earth.system.science,alt.folklore.scie
: >nce,alt.info-science,alt.mad.science,alt.paranet.science,alt.tv.weird-science,au
: >s.science,aus.science.dark-age,be.science,beirdo.fido.swo.science,bionet.neurosc
: >ience,bionet.ne
: >u
: >References: <01bbfb17$1c39f300$394f22cf at billyy>
: >Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computing Network (NDHECN)
: >Distribution: 
: >
: >Billy Yeung Kei Chun (billyy at connect.ab.ca) wrote:
: >: Hi, I am now doing a research project in class on "how to increase to
: >: surface tension of water"  The water is just the ordinary water from the
: >: tap that we use in our daily life.  If anyone realize the answer of possess
: >: any information please help me out of it.  Thank you
: >
: >: Billy
: >
: >
: >I will help:
: >
: >According to my hady-dandy CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (70th 
: >edition, 1989-1990, CRC Press, USA) the surface tension of "pure" water 
: >against air at 20 degrees C is 72.75 dynes/cm.  
: >At 0 degrees celcius, the surface tension of water is 75.6 dynes/cm, at 
: >100 degress it is only 58.9 dynes/cm.
: >-Superdave The Wonderchemist
: > 

: Dear Superdave The Wonderchemist

:         Would dynes/cm be some sort of ancient measurement?
:         Does it have any relationship to Newtons/metre????

:         Ordinary Richard The Abandonedchemistryfirstyearuniversity

: p.s celcius ... Superspelling of celsius, I presume :)
: -- 
: Richard Phillips

celcius is the correct spelling of celsius after 12:00 AM CST.  One 
Newton/m is equal to 100 dynes/cm IIRC.

-Superdave The Wonderchemist

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