Neural Migration

Stavros P. Zanos stavrosz at med.auth.gr
Sun Jan 12 23:04:49 EST 1997

ULISSES <ulisses at berlin.snafu.de> wrote in article
<580vff$jag$1 at unlisys.unlisys.net>...
> Can anybody explain what "neural migration" is?
> Regards,  -ULISSES-
> Homepage: http://www.snafu.de/~ulisses/index.htm

Obviously ULISSES means "neuronal migration", which is the process by which
postmitotic neurons migrate from the site of their "production" (e.g. the
paraventricular zone) to their final position, either within the brain
(e.g. various layers of the developing neocortex) or in peripheral ganglia.
A recent review appered this month on TINS:

Perris R. (1996) Extracellular matrix in neural crest-cell migration.
Trends Neurosci. 20, 23-31.

Hope this helps.
S.P. Zanos
Aristotle U. School of Medicine
Thessaloniki, Greece

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