Phosphorylation of G-proteins

Stavros P. Zanos stavrosz at med.auth.gr
Sun Jan 12 05:15:11 EST 1997

It has come to my knowledge that G proteins undergo phosphorylation by
cAMP- and calcium-dependent protein kinases and by tyrosine kinases.

Having undertaken the writing of a part of a seminar on autonomic NS
pharmacology, I was wandering if anyone out there knew something about the
physiological role of G protein phosphorylation, especially in relation to
neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity processes. Any details on the
phosphorylation sites and regulation are also welcome. References to book
chapters or journal articles are welcome.

Thank you in advance.

S.P. Zanos
Aristotle U. Med. School
Thessaloniki, Greece

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