In <32D81702.5C23 at> Dan Brown <dbrown at> writes:
>Interestingly, we were not asked to sign such an affidavit. Such an
>affidavit does seem short-sighted.
>>We do not accept email or Web based orders in general. We are still
>responsible for collection, even if paid through a credit card. The
>person from the credit card company who set things up for us repeated
>this point four or five times.
>Dan Brown
>Bruxton Corporation, Seattle
>Phone: (206) 782-8862
It turns out that it is Bank of America that is imposing the
prohibition on email and web-based transactions, rather than VISA.
Indeed, VISA does not have any such problem with electronic
transactions. Bank of America, on the other hand, has a problem with
everything: cash, checks, credit cards, dogs, Thursdays, sun spots, and
so on. It is a tribute to inertia that they remain in business.
| "There may be forces in the Universe |
| we know nothing about, but we know |
| nothing about them." Isaac Asimov |