In reply to your question, if anyone else has them, the answer is yes. I
have had
problems since an accident 6 years ago. Aside from the regional neck
pain, I get
excruciating headaches in the occipital and temporal regions. I have been
nerve blocks on the head and trigger point injections in the neck, which
sometimes help, but after an MRI last week showed a little more
degenerative change my
neurologist decided to send me to a specialized pain clinic where an
aneasthesiologist is going to do deep nerve blocks off C1 ,2 and 3. I
don't know about these! I don't like the sound of anything in my spine!
I'm on the net today trying to find information on the blocks. I haven't
found anything yet. As far as
I know the bone spurs are the arthritis forming, and the bulging can press
on nerves
which can cause pain and sometimes I'll get a little weakness on my right
arm, if
that nerve is getting pushed. I wwent to orthopedic's for awhile but I
have really
found The Texas Headache Institute alot more helpful and understanding. I
have also done physical therapy which helps a great deal.
I don't know if I have been of any help to you but, I do understand the
problem from
a personal layman's perspective. I know it can be frustrating!