
Margret Dora Ragnarsdottir mdr at rhi.hi.is
Sat Jan 11 09:00:53 EST 1997

I'm a student of psychology and I am starting research for my ba-thesis.  The 
research concernes the influence of pain on performance in neuropsychological 
tests.  The study of whiplash has been a hot topic lately for patients 
sufferin whiplash have shown a below average perfomance on neuropsyhcological 
tests.  The debate has been wheter this is because of braindamage or some 
other cause.  I study the hypothesis that pain might be the cause.  My only 
problem is that there seems to be a limited choice of references.  Any bright 
ideas where to search?  Anyone been doing reference hunting in this field?

With warm greetings from Iceland
Margret Dora  

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