Increase the surface tension of water

a_schaefer andschaefer at metronet.de
Thu Jan 9 19:27:16 EST 1997

I assume You all have heard of instant water Nestlo(TM)
- just add water
ROTFL (i thought)
Andreas Schaefer
andschaefer at metronet.de
In the beginning GOD made Heaven and earth; 
unfortunately SHE was using MS-Create (TM)...
Unsolicited e-mail will be regarded as handed in for
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A. Schaefer, programmer, e-mail-analyst, translator

(Delete spam-buster ([at]) to reply) <ron.schwarz[at]nethawk.com> wrote in
article <32d1c6fc.165099951 at news.netonecom.net>...
> On 5 Jan 1997 07:39:33 GMT, "Billy Yeung Kei Chun"
> <billyy at connect.ab.ca> wrote:
> >Hi, I am now doing a research project in class on "how to increase to
> >surface tension of water"  The water is just the ordinary water from the
> >tap that we use in our daily life.  If anyone realize the answer of
> >any information please help me out of it.  Thank you
> You need to dry out the upper layer (known scientifically as its
> "skin"), which will result in it being thickened, and strengthened.
> Most modern labs, interestingly enough, use a common hair dryer -- but
> if you decide to try this method, make sure you don't *stand* in the
> water, and make sure you keep the heat on a *very* low setting; a
> blast of warm air will actually melt the skin layer (its melting point
> is quite low) and allow the wet water below to evaporate!
> --
>                Down With Slogans!

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