Dear Colleagues,
CAN, the Canadian Association for Neuroscience, is launching an initiative
to lobby MP's to exercise their influence in order to increase Government
allocations to Federal Research Councils.
CAN is urging you to write to and/or visit your MP.
In order to facilitate this process a mailing list has been set up to
send out information on MP's addresses, a template letter, and facts regarding
Science funding in Canada. To request this information please send a
message to:
Dr Manuel Hulliger: manuel at
If you wish to receive regular news from the Canadian Association for
Neuroscience, participate in scientific or science policy debates, recieve or
post job applications or advertisements, launch queries related to research
issues etc., you may wish to
To subscribe:
Send e-mail to: listproc at
Subject: [optional]
Body of message: subscribe CAN Your-last-name, First-Name
Please support the lobby initiative by writing a letter to your MP and by
posting this message on your University/Department notice board.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
Dr Jonathan P.A. Foweraker,
Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
Faculty of Medicine,
Health Sciences Building,
3330, Hospital Drive N.W.,
Calgary, Alberta,
Canada. T2N 4NQ.
e-mail: jonf at
Tel : 403-220-7733
Fax : 403-283-8770