Increase the surface tension of water

David S Chesler chesler at world.std.com
Wed Jan 8 12:02:07 EST 1997

In article <AEF86B1896685CC60 at cara.demon.co.uk>,
Peter Ceresole <peter at cara.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>In the summer of course the job was different; then, as I decribed here
>before, we would go round at night with special rollers to rectify glass
>(which as everyone knows is a supercooled liquid which flows more quickly
>at summer temperatures) which had slumped under the influence of gravity
>and so distorted the view of the display. 

 This is probably something I should do for my windows when I put up
the screens this year, but I don't know if I can use the regular tools.
Does anybody know where I could find a left-handed squeegee and roller
David Chesler (chesler at world.std.com - ISP
       david.chesler at itcambridge.com - WORK david at absol.com - DURABLE ADDRESS)
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