brainstem model

Laurie J. Lundy-Ekman lundyekl at PACIFICU.EDU
Wed Jan 8 13:24:16 EST 1997

Dear members of the neurosci list-

Does anyone know of a source for a larger than  lifesize model of 
the human brainstem?  I used to have one that I used often in lecture, 
but somehow it disappeared from the storeroom more than a year ago and 
I've given up hope for its reappearance.  The model I had was part of a 
2.5X lifesize German model from Deutsches Hygiene Museum, Dresden, purchased 
through The Anatomical Chart Co.  They have discontinued the model.
Thanks for any leads.

Laurie Lundy-Ekman, Ph.D., P.T.
School of Physical Therapy
Pacific University
Forest Grove, OR  97116		
e-mail:  lundyekl at pacificu.edu

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