I am a first year postgrad in Clinical Neurology at Sheffield University,
UK, investigating the parts of the brain that malfunction is amnesia.
Having carried out a lot of reading in the last 3 months or so, I found
that a lot of research seemed inconclusive simply because it didn't
combine neuropsychological testing with functional and structural brain
images. I am determined not to fall into the same trap.
However, as yet, Sheffield University does not have access to a MRI
machine capable of functional imaging. We have connections with the Inst.
of Psych. in London, who have good facilities and I would be quite
prepared to travel down to London to carry out the scans.
The biggest problem with this is getting my subjects to London, or from
London to Sheffield. The neuropsychological testing facilities at the
University are very good, so ideally I would carry out this aspect of my
investigation here.
An alternative solution is to spend a year of my Phd in a place that has
both fMRI facilities and can provide supervision and facilities for the
neuropsych testing. This is probably the better option since subjects
would be local and thus available if any additional testing/scanning is
I am also open to any other possibilities. My main priority at the moment
is to find facilities and funding for the functional scans. I am prepared
to consider any reasonable solutions to my problem, including teaching
undergrads, working in the labs in return for supervision etc etc.
Like a lot of people in my position, funding is also a major obstacle. I
am prepared to take out a loan to meet some of the costs if necessary, but
Mr bank manager will not give me enough to cover everything. If anyone
can help me out - either directly, or by giving me some names/addresses of
possible sources of funding, I'd be eternally grateful.
Return email address MDP96AKN at Sheffield.ac.uk
Amanda Nicholas
The University of Sheffield, Department of Clinical Neurology, Floor 'N',
Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2JF, UK.
Tel: 0114 2713158 Fax: 0114 2760095 EMail:mdp96akn at Sheffield.ac.ukhttp://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/cn/index.html
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