Q: Flow cytometry with anti-flag

Thomas R. Anderson babco at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jan 6 10:15:21 EST 1997

a657109 at post.tau.ac.il (Amir Gamliel) writes: 
>Does anyone have any experience with flow cytometry analysis (FACS)
>using an anti-FLAG antibody? .....

Hello Amir (and others)--

Here are a couple of references that might be useful:

Gerard & Gerard, "Construction and expression of a novel recombinant
anaphylatoxin, C5a-N19, a probe for the human C5a receptor,"
Biochemistry 29:9274-9281, 1990.

Zhang et al., "Novel pathway for thyroid hormone receptor action
through interation with jun and fos oncogene activities," Mol. Cell.
Biol. 11:6016-6025, 1991.

Both of these papers use the FLAG antibody in FACS, and both give
enough detail in the methods section that they should be of use.

By the way, the anti FLAG antibodies, as well as antibodies against six
other commonly used epitope tags (such as HA, myc, AU1, glu-glu, etc)
are available from Berkeley Antibody Company (BAbCO).  If you would
like more information, please let me know.

Tom Anderson
Berkeley Antibody Company (BAbCO)
tel:  1-800-922-2226  (in the USA)
tel:  1-510-412-8930  (anywhere)
fax:  1-510-412-8940
email:  tanders at babco.com
on the web:  www.babco.com

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