Schooling for neuropsychology

Loren A. Evey lae2 at psu.edu
Mon Jan 6 18:32:47 EST 1997

Consider graduate education offering solid course work in history of science, logic, methodology, and statistics.  Graduate programs in psychology offer these courses and, thus, promote scientific thinking.  Complete a post doc with the understanding that you have intentions of going to medical school.  Choose a medical school with your career goals in mind.  Current trends in medical education lean toward a trade school approach.  To a degree, traditional basic science is replaced by procedural training.  This satisfies "accountablility and relevance" as demanded by managed costs.  Enter an MD curriculum that earnestly focuses two years on basic science.  At this time, you will learn general principles regarding the workings of the Human body.  You could achieve your goals without the MD.  However, medical education will enhance your knowledge of the Human condition and give you an edge, both financially and politically.

This course of action will make you a promising scientist/physician.  Your current interests could be satisfied in Neurology, Psychiatry, or Neurosurgery.  Adjust your plans accordingly if you are primarily directed toward clinical practice in the absence of research.

Good luck

In Article Schooling for neuropsychology , Steve Sperry <ssperry at mail.erols.com> wrote:
> I am a student at James Madison University and would like to find out
> how to approach entering the field of neuropsychology.  Particularly if
> I should major in Psychology and then go to grad school or med school to
> study the biologics of the field, or to major in bio and then study the
> psychologics in grad school.  Any Suggestions?

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