Need info about the Limbic System

noel clark nclark at sover.net
Sun Jan 5 17:05:16 EST 1997

Hi Mark, 

	I've been working on something similar this semester and you may 
find some of my preliminary bibliography helpful. I haven't waded 
through the whole thing myself yet. I've included it as an attachment.  
Take the best and toss the rest.  Not mentioned in the bib is a 
preliminary report which on found interesting.  

Bremner, J. Douglas, et al (Jan 1996) "MRI-Based Measurement of 
Hippocampal Volume in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder related to Childhood 
Physical and Sexual Abuse - A Prelininary Repiort"; Biological 
Psychiatry, in press 

Two semesters ago I also did a study on the effects of  childhood trauma 
on memory. I did pretty extensive reading and I think the bib in quite 
good (IMHO).  I'd be happy to share that with you if you would like.  
Good luck  Noel

Mark Rouwhorst wrote:
> Hello,
> I need information about the Lymbic System, and about the human memory...if
> some one can tell me where i can find some, I'd be very gratefull
> Thanks,
> Mark Rouwhorst (shamrock at eurnonet.nl)
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???$ ?????????????BIBLIOGRAPHY?????

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