spastic contracture of the inferior limbs muscles in spastic quadriparesis

Red Redgrave ugkjh at gfhjjyhu.net
Sat Jan 4 23:17:56 EST 1997

All' attenzione di Collega neurologo e/o nurochirurgo

Paziente di 53 anni operato 16 anni fa per compressione post traumatica
C6-C7 con esito in iniziale tetraparesi spastica, con buon recupero
mobilità e funzionalità arti superiori.
QUESITO : Informazioni su terapia farmacologica o altro per ridurre lo
stato di contrattura spastica degli arti inferiori, presente costantemente
nelle 24 ore
To the attention of Colleague neurologist and/ or neurosurgeon

A 53 years old patient was operated 16 years ago for  post traumatic
compression of C6-C7 .
Post operaratively the patient was affected by initial spastic
quadriparesis , but subsequently recovered a good mobility and
functionality of superior limbs.
QUESTION: Informations are needed about  medical treatament (or alternative
treatament) in order reduce the spastic contracture of the inferior limbs
muscles, present throughout the 24 hours

Dott.  Maria Teresa Lonardo
Fraste at flashnet.it
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