The first release of a preliminary version of my patch clamp analysis
program is ready for download from my web te sunday 1200 noon. Take a
preview at some of the programs current capabilities at :
The program has highly professional graphical routines. The program is not
commercial or shareware, it is simply a help from me to you. The analysis
is not so advanced yet, but Im working hard on fixing that. Right now the
program is a really nice alternative to your PClamp6 graph struggling.
If you want to become a betatester and thereby having some influence on the
future shape of the program then you can download it at Sunday. However,
you need a password to the zip file. You can get the password by sending me
an email. lthomsen at
Lars Thomsen, M.Sc. PhD.
115 South Oval, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S1R2
Email lthomsen at interlynx.net