According to the latest studies, ASPARTAME, a commonly-used substance on
the market today could be causing the world's population to develop more
brain tumors. A noted brain researcher from Washington University Medical
School has published a study (NOV. 96) in a respected peer-reviewed
medical journal to this effect.
More information is published on our website, regarding this most
disturbing new trend. Please take a look and see why our warnings have
been aired (and repeated) on CNN, TODAY Show, HARD COPY, 60-Minutes and
virtually every major news network in the country, in the past 5 weeks.
Aspartame is the singularly most dangerous substance in our food supply
today, based on the supporting data in the files of our organization --
Aspartame Consumer Safety Network. Check it out.
Happy New Year,
Mary Nash Stoddard, Founder ACSN (1987)