On Wed, 1 Jan 1997, clara wrote:
> I have MS and am in possession one of my own MRI head scans. My neuro
> nurse mentioned to me when I last saw her that - apparently - an
> executed prisoner in the US "donated" his body to medics, who did an MRI
> scan of it and put it on the WWW.
I think you are referring to the Visible Human Project. It wasn't MRI,
though, it was strictly freezy-freezy, slicey-slicey. Camera on top. I
think Voxelman can render the VH data sets (at least they say it on some
site of theirs). I heard it rumored the homicidal (he looks it, too, every
inch) Adam will soon have an equally bad, bad Eve (but in better
resolution, and technicolor ;) to join him in the virtual Valhal.
> Does anyone know the page? I find the results of MRI scans fascinating
Out of curiosity, was your voxel set in DICOM?
> (especially my own!), and would love to look at the whole body Call me
> Morticia it you like :)
I undestand you wholly, I have a xerox of my head (anatomical, and fMRI) as
well, floating on some optical disk somewhere. Must DAT it, soon. Another
slice, anyone?
>> I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who knows of the page.
I suggest AltaVista "visible+human+project".....
> Thank you.
>> --
> Clara
> "I have been here before" . . . J B Priestly