In article <5adi66$q26 at>,
mvcs at (Jeff Baldwin) wrote:
>tonmaas at (Ton Maas) wrote:
>>>I suspect you will enjoy the works of Francisco Varela & Humberto Maturana
>>on "structural coupling" (in "The Tree of Knowledge", but also Varela's
>>work with Thompson and Rosch ("The Embodied Mind") and possibly Gregory
>>Bateson's notion of "calibration" as opposed to "feedback" ("Steps to an
>>Ecology of Mind", "Mind & Nature" and "Angels Fear").
>>Where to find?
F.J. Varela & H. Maturana: The Tree of Knowledge (Shambala, Boston 1987)
F.J. Varela, E. Thompson & E. Rosch: The Embodied Mind (MIT, Cambridge
G. Bateson: Steps to an Ecology of Mind (Chandler, NY 1972)
G. Bateson: Mind and Nature, a necessary unity (Dutton, NY 1979)
G. & M.C. Bateson: Angels Fear (Macmillan, NY 1987)
Ton Maas