Visa card for grants accounting??

Dennis Templeton djt2 at po.cwru.edu
Fri Jan 3 10:15:31 EST 1997

In article <5ah9h9$s3d at sjx-ixn9.ix.netcom.com>, geneco at ix.netcom.com(The
Great American Gene Company ) wrote:

> It is interesting to hear your perspective.
> I can assure you that many vendors will not flip. We are currently
> negotiating with VISA for a credit card account simply because of the
> pressure we are getting from many of the University purchasing
> departments.  Unfortunately, VISA/MASTERCARD will cost us about 5%. 

That is true for all small merchants too, and it seems worth it to them.
What does it cost to process a P.O., including bad debt?

>In addition, we have learned that VISA is placing
> a positive prohibition on all electronic transactions.  We have been
> given an affadavit, which we must sign, stating that we will conduct NO
> VISA or MASTERCARD related business by either email or by through the
> web. 

! Wow ! That seems unbelievable, and stupid. No wonder places like First
Virtual are surging ahead. It also belies the thousands of Visa-charging
distributors already on the web.

I sympathize with your plight as a small merchant, but you'll note that
most of the major vendors (Sigma, Fisher, and many major biotech
companies) already accept major credit cards.


Dennis Templeton
Institute of Pathology
CWRU School of Medicine
djt2 at po.cwru.edu

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