The Medical Reporter

jcooper at medreport.com jcooper at medreport.com
Wed Jan 1 21:29:51 EST 1997

The Medical Reporter

The Medical Reporter is a monthly educational health magazine on the
Web for enlightened healthcare consumers. Published solely in
cyberspace since April of 1995, The Medical Reporter emphasizes
preventive medicine, primary care, patient advocacy, education and
support, as well as topics in sub-specialty medicine of interest to
men and women. Current and past issues have covered topics ranging
from endometriosis, vulvodynia, and polycystic kidney disease to
pelvic inflammatory disease, fetal alcohol syndrome, eye diseases, E.
coli, prostate cancer, health hazards of secondhand smoke, mental
health, childhood leukemia, heart attack, multiple sclerosis,
osteoporosis, arthritis, premenstrual syndrome, Alzheimer's disease,
impotence, antioxidants, plastic surgery, irritable bowel syndrome,
urinary incontinence, Pap smears and cervical cancer, rosacea, Lyme
disease, ADD/ADHD, central pain, telemedicine, heartburn, Continuity
of Care, nutrition/weight loss, appetite suppressant medications, the
common cold, and issues surrounding managed care and integrated
healthcare delivery systems.

Many articles are written by M.D.s. Current and past (archived issues)
of The Medical Reporter can be accessed at:

In addition, The Medical Reporter provides a partial directory of
related Web sites to which it is linked (or on which it is carried),
so that readers can easily find their way to many excellent sources of
health and medical information on the Web. The Medical Reporter is
listed with YAHOO! and GNN (Global Network Navigator).  The
publication receives in excess of 100,000 reader visits per month, on
average, and is very extensively linked on the Internet throughout The
United States and around the world. Access is free to all. Go to:

For additional information, contact: 
Joel R. Cooper, editor in chief, Denver 
The Medical Reporter, http://www.dash.com/tmr, e-mail:
jcooper at medreport.com

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