Medical Meetings Database

j_wasco at pipeline.com j_wasco at pipeline.com
Thu Jan 2 18:27:02 EST 1997

Besides offering free MedLine and other medical databases, Avicenna
Medical Systems ( http://www.avicenna.com ) has an Online Medical
Meetings Finder, which is a searchable database for worldwide meetings
in medicine, dentistry, nursing and other disciplines.

Medical databases include CME and Postgraduate Courses Sponsored by
the American College of Physicians; there are also links to other
major meeting resources.

Meetings can be searched by specialty, city or state, month and year,
or keyword.

Let Avicenna help you start the new year by planning ahead for 1997 -
visit the meetings planner and feel free to take a look at the rest of
the site. As always, there is no charge to use the site.

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