Temporal Lobes

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Apr 28 22:31:53 EST 1997

I don't mean to pick on you especially; the same reply is appropriate
for the dozens of others who post "tell me something" or "tell me
everything" about--whatever.  Usually the topic is so broad as to make
any reply absurd.

My question is: are their no libraries anymore where you live?  You
have an email address which suggests you are connected to a university
in Australia.  Does the university have a library?

After you have read something basic (e.g. a textbook or even an
encyclopedia), try a search for recent journal articles.  If you THEN
have a SPECIFIC question not readily answered this way, post it here.

At the very least specify: anatomy? neurophysiology? neuropsychology?
pathology?  epilepsy?  WHAT/ WHAT/ WHAT?  (just "anything"?  OK, how
about this: part of it is named after a seahorse.)

Frank LeFever
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <sgp01.862278042 at wumpus> sgp01 at uow.edu.au (Scott Graeme Payne)
>I'm just after any info on the temporal lobes of the brain.
>You can post it here or email it to me at sgp01 at uow.edu.au.
>Anything at all will interest me...articles...research...etc
>   _____          __  .__          _________ .__          .__         
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>        \/     \/                          \/     \/              \/  
>	"Sex is hereditary. Chances are if your parents never had it,
>			    you won't either !!"
>			Scott Payne <sgp01 at uow.edu.au>

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