I suffered a brain injury about one year ago. Since that time
(actually, within the first two months) I gained 50lbs. I used to
weigh 125 and now weigh about 178.
I've talked with others who have had head injuries or brain surgery
and 3 of the 4 said they gained 30+ pounds. Only one has been able to
take the weight off.
My neurologist and general practitioners just blow this off. They act
like I must be using my injury as an excuse as to why I have gained so
much weight. I haven't changed my diet - I'm vegetarian - or the
amount of exercise I get. (Actually very recently I began eating
turkey and tuna again because of the protein and amino acids they
contain.) I'm paying CLOSE attention to my diet and walking 2 miles
approx. every other day.
I'm sick of being so big. I want to fit back into all of the
beautiful clothes I wore before I was broadsided at that red light.
I can't seem to find anything in any of the journals about this. If
anyone has any information -- PLEASE TELL ME! Did getting knocked in
the head change the way my body processes food? What could be the
issue here?
Please help!
Lisa Hamilton