Data Translation SDK & Visual C++ - dynamic linking?

Marion-Poll Frrederic marion at versailles.inra.fr
Tue Apr 29 06:48:55 EST 1997

dear netters,

May be someone of you have experienced the same problem and you could help

We are doing electrophysiology here in our lab, and I use to work with Data
Translation boards (DT2821, DT23EZ). I have developped a program in C++
(running under W95 & NT4) to analyze our data. I would like to allow this
program to acquire data with these boards. At the present time, I have the
DT SDK, i.e. a library and DLLs that allow me to do the job nicely if the
library is "statically linked" to it.

However, the program linked that way does not run under NT4 because the
library is loaded when the program is launched, and it misses an entry
point within the kernel not available only under W95. The solution would be
to link the program "dynamically", ie use the library only when needed and
when the program runs on a W95 computer.

At the present time, I can't because for some obscure reason to me, my
program does not get the correct address of the "olDaEnumBoards" function.
I suspect that this has something to do with the CALLBACK mechanism and the
static functions within my program.

Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance

Frederic Marion-Poll
INRA Phytopharmacie
email : 
marion at versailles.inra.fr

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