Karen Allendoerfer <ravena at cco.caltech.edu> wrote:
> In article <199704221908_MC2-14C3-3FDE at compuserve.com>,
> Judy I. Schwartz <judyiris at COMPUSERVE.COM> wrote:
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >My name's Judy and I'm seriously interested in neuroscience.
> >I've obtained applications and related material from the 2 universities in
> >NYC offering doctoral programs in neuroscience: NYU and Rockefeller. Now
> (snip)
> I'd suggest adding Columbia University to your list.
> (snip)
What about undergraduate programs in neuroscience? I'm a junior in high
school and I've begun to realize that a neuroscience major is not
exactly a common offering in most colleges. Of those schools which do have
a neuroscience or cognitive science major, which would you recommend in
terms of overall quality, technology, range of course offerings, etc.?
I'm also interested in summer undergraduate research programs.
--Carolyn Fredericks