Info on neuroscience

Karen Allendoerfer ravena at cco.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 23 09:10:59 EST 1997

In article <199704221908_MC2-14C3-3FDE at compuserve.com>,
Judy I. Schwartz <judyiris at COMPUSERVE.COM> wrote:
>My name's Judy and I'm seriously interested in neuroscience.

>I've obtained applications and related material from the 2 universities in
>NYC offering doctoral programs in neuroscience:  NYU and Rockefeller.  Now


I'd suggest adding Columbia University to your list.  They have some
excellent people there, including Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessell, who 
wrote _Principles of Neural Science_, one of the most widely-used
textbooks in the field.  Kandel has an international reputation for his
work on learning and memory, and many of the other faculty are equally
well-known in their fields.  I know Columbia has a graduate program.

Karen Allendoerfer

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