dnandy at hezi.eecs.uic.edu (Dibyendu Nandy) writes:
>I am interested in pointers towards neuroscience literature in
>higher levels of visual processing. Specifically, the internal
>representations of 3-D objects.
>This question is motivated by abilities like mental rotation
>and pose invariant object recognition. I am interested in modeling
>the acquisition and formation of such representations. While there
>is evidence and modeling efforts both in psychology and computer
>vision literature that support either iconic or 3D representations,
>I was wondering if there are reports of measurements in the inferotemporal
>cortex (IT) (an area known to be responsible for object recognition),
>that support the view of internal 3D representations.
The intracranial ERP group at Yale (McCarthy, Allison, et al.) have done
work in recent years that might pertain to your question. They've
recorded evoked potentials from inferotemporal cortex in humans, and
have found representations for different types of materials. I don't
remember if they looked at 3D representations though.
Stephen Kosslyn has a book on mental imagery that might be useful to
you also.
Kevin Spencer
Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory and Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
kspencer at s.psych.uiuc.edu