Theoretical lifespan of the human brain?

uhs0403 at ohsu.edu uhs0403 at ohsu.edu
Thu Apr 24 21:16:03 EST 1997

In article <335c7dea.0 at jgb.surfnetinc.com> "Mike Harmon" <mharmon at surfnetinc.com> writes:
>From: "Mike Harmon" <mharmon at surfnetinc.com>
>Subject: Re: Theoretical lifespan of the human brain?
>Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 03:59:05 -0400

>I have no source, but for what it's worth, I read that the nervous system
>has a theoretical lifespan of 120 years and would be the limiting factor in
>human lifespan overall, in other words, other tissues could function much

> Alexander Reiprich :
>>> The subject says it - I've heard that the potential lifespan of the
>>> human brain is quite a bit longer than that of the rest of our body.
>>> Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Someone suggested that the cholinergic systems may remain intact with age or 
even hold regenerating capabilities. Yet it is this very system's 
degeneration that is implicated in Alzheimer's and other age-related 
dementias. My work is in the aging brain and I have yet to see someone whose 
neurologic function is preserved despite a deteriorating body. Further, any 
number of common diseases and syndromes associated with aging, such as heart 
disease, stroke, high blood pressure, etc., have significant effects on the 
brain, such as affecting its blood supply. In the real world the mind is 
inseperable from the body. I can't imagine how one can conclude that the brain 
has even a theroetical lifespan seperable from the rest of the body. Be nice 
if some evidence could be presented, or even an appeal to authority by way of 
a reference...

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