Q: Internal representations of visual objects

Bill Skaggs skaggs at bns.pitt.edu
Thu Apr 24 19:24:38 EST 1997

dnandy at hezi.eecs.uic.edu (Dibyendu Nandy) writes:

> I was also informed that George Opolus (spelling??) may have done
> some work in the area. I am not sure of the author's name and
> I could not find literature under the name and several variants.
> I would appreciate it, if somebody  who has knowledge of the
> correct name, can let me know.

Well, it's no wonder you couldn't find the name, because the author
you're thinking of is named Apostolos Georgopoulous.  He had a
well-known paper on mental rotation published in Science three or four
years ago (I don't have the ref), but it was more related to motor
control than perception.

	-- Bill

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