Info on neuroscience

Judy I. Schwartz judyiris at COMPUSERVE.COM
Tue Apr 22 18:09:55 EST 1997


My name's Judy and I'm seriously interested in neuroscience.  Though the
latter sounds a bit like an AA declaration, I indeed am quite serious.  I'm
a tenured professor at a major university specializing in an area closely
related to cognitive science.  Having spent 20 years looking at brain
issues from a macro perspective, I'm ready to proceed to a micro view. 
I've obtained applications and related material from the 2 universities in
NYC offering doctoral programs in neuroscience:  NYU and Rockefeller.  Now
I'd like the opportunity to discuss issues related to such study from the
perspective of an atypical student with others to get a more detailed view
of the field, the 2 programs in which I'm interested, job opportunities in
the NY metropolitan area and the like.  I'd also just enjoy hooking up with
others similarly interested for friendly exchanges.

Looking forward to hearing from ya.


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